Jiawei Bai
PhD Candidate
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E3038
Baltimore, MD 21205
Email: jbai at jhsph dot edu
Advisor: Ciprian Crainiceanu
Co-advisor: Vadim Zipunnikov
I am a 5th year PhD student at Department of Biostatistics in Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. I received my B.S. degree in Statistics from Sichuan University in 2009 and ScM degree in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University in 2011. I am working with my advisors Drs. Ciprian Crainiceanu and Vadim Zipunnikov on statistical methodology and applications for wearable/mobile devices in public health and medicine. A brief introduction of part of my research can be found here.
- 2017 Ph.D.: Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University (Expected)
- 2011 Sc.M.: Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 2009 B.S.: Statistics, Sichuan University, China
- 2012-present: Research Assistant, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 2011-2012: Research Associate, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 2009-2011: Research Assistant, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
My research focues on methodology development and scientific application of wearable device data in health studies. Using small wearable devices such as accelerometers and heart rate monitors, my colleagues and I successfully 1) predicted type of activity performed by the subjects (paper); 2) developed a better measure of activity level of human based on the raw signal (paper1 and paper2) and 3) quantified how daily trajectories (patterns) of human activity level is related to demographic and health factors (paper in Revision). I am working closely with epidemiologists, gerontologists, psychiatrists and pediatricians, to address their scientific questions using our statistical methods.