Brian Caffo
Brian Caffo Department of Biostatistics |
Professional Experience:
Official appointments
- 2007- Associate professor, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 2001-2007 Assistant professor, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 1996-1999 Research assistant for professor Alan Agresti, Department of Statistics, University of Florida
- 1996, 1999 Intern / database programmer, the Pediatric Oncology Group Statistical Office
Extended visits to other departments
- May - August 2006 Department of Biostatistics, Emory University
- December - May 2006 Center for Imaging Science, Johns Hopkins University
- June 2004 Carnegie Mellon, Department of Statistics
Professional Activities:
Membership: ASA, ENAR, IMS, OHBM
Review of research proposals:
- NIH/NCI 2008; ad hoc study section member for Quick Trials on Imaging and Image-guided Intervention
- NIH/BMRD 2009; ad hoc study section member for the Biostatistical Methods and Research Design Study Section
- NIH/NIMH 2009 and 2010; ad hoc study section member for Interventions Committee for Adult Disorders
- NIH 2011; ad hoc study section member for Special Emphasis Panel on Epidemiology
Professional society positions:
- Publications Officer for the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association 2005, 2006
- Founding member (2010) and secretary (2010-) for the Statistics in Imaging ASA section.
- Organizer: Biometrics invited session: Statistical Methodology for the Analysis of Sleep Studies, JSM 2007
- Organizer: Biometrics invited session: Statistical Methods for Complex Functional Biological Signals, ENAR 2011
- Organizer: Contributed session: Novel developments in statistical blind source separation and independent components analysis, ENAR 2012
- Session chair: JSM (2003, 2006, 2007), ENAR (2002, 2007)
Education & Training:
- 2006 NIH K25 training grant “A mentored training program in imaging science” emphasizing research and coursework in medical imaging
- 2001 PhD in statistics from the University of Florida Department of Statistics under Professor James Booth; thesis title “Candidate sampling schemes and some important applications”
- 1998 MS in statistics from the University of Florida Department of Statistics
- 1995 BS in mathematics and statistics from the University of Florida’s Departments of Mathematics and Statistics.
Honors & Awards:
- 1998 William S. Mendenhall Award
- 1999 Anderson Scholar/Faculty nominee for the University of Florida CLAS
- 2001 University of Florida CLAS Dissertation Fellowship
- 2001 University of Floridas Statistics Faculty Award
- 2002 Johns Hopkins Faculty Innovation Award
- 2006 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health AMTRA award
- 2008 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Golden Apple teaching award
- 2011 Leader and organizer of the “Significant Predictors”, the declared winning entry of the 2011 ADHD200 prediction competition
- 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE, 2010, awarded in 2011); “The highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers”
- code A Case Study in Pharmacologic Imaging Using Principal Curves in Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (with Crainiceanu et al.)
- code A Bayesian Hierarchical Framework for Spatial Modeling of fMRI Data (with Bowman et al.)
- code notes Flexible Random Intercept Models for Binary Outcomes Using Mixtures of Normals (with An and Rohde)
- code User-friendly Tutorial on Link-probit-normal Models (with Griswold)
- code at CRAN notes Exact Hypothesis Tests for Log-linear Models with exactLoglinTest
- code Ascent-based MCEM (with Jank and Jones)